Sunday, March 4, 2012
Clarity of the Idea
Just to clear up any misconceptions up about my idea, I wanted to say that my idea is not meant in a literal sense. Obviously, a government would not be exactly like a business, and so would operate differently, but that still does not mean that a government can't try to reach out to its people to treat them with the respect and reverence that they deserve, because unlike a business who loves their customers only for their money, the government should love its people because it exists for them.
Basically, I feel that a government should take on the aspects of a business, rather than try to become one. Some of the aspects, such as maximizing the wealth of the company and shareholder's, would not be a priority for them, but rather, their priority would be to maximize the positive effect that they have on the people, since they are SUPPOSED to exist to serve the people within reason.
They key here is practicality. Even if a government were to take up my ideas, they would not be able to, within reason, do for the people all that they wanted, because certain things might harm everyone, or the country itself, but there is nor harm in creating an environment that helps the people of the country as much as is practical for that country.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Military Might
This is one attribute of the government that I forgot to add to the post before this one, but I wanted to write it out in a separate one since it deals with a hairy topic, per se.
My idea was that while government should always do what is in the best interest for the people it is serving, it should also have a very strong military.
NOW, I am only saying this because it makes sense for a country to put up a strong front to the rest of the world, so that no one will mess with them out of fear and respect for their ability to retaliate. Doesn't that make sense? I mean, if someone DOES mess with that country, the government can adequately defend the people that it serves, rather than watch on in horror as everyone is slaughtered or enslaved.
I do not say this out of any personal desire for blood-lust, since, even though I am very young myself, I can still see the value of a life and do not take the loss of one lightly. I would never advocate pointless war. Never, for nothing would be gained from it that would outweigh the costs in my heart and soul.
All of which I have written above is something that the leader of a nation should take into consideration for the people that they serve. There is nothing wrong with protecting and preventing pain from being dealt to the people of the country.
My idea was that while government should always do what is in the best interest for the people it is serving, it should also have a very strong military.
NOW, I am only saying this because it makes sense for a country to put up a strong front to the rest of the world, so that no one will mess with them out of fear and respect for their ability to retaliate. Doesn't that make sense? I mean, if someone DOES mess with that country, the government can adequately defend the people that it serves, rather than watch on in horror as everyone is slaughtered or enslaved.
I do not say this out of any personal desire for blood-lust, since, even though I am very young myself, I can still see the value of a life and do not take the loss of one lightly. I would never advocate pointless war. Never, for nothing would be gained from it that would outweigh the costs in my heart and soul.
All of which I have written above is something that the leader of a nation should take into consideration for the people that they serve. There is nothing wrong with protecting and preventing pain from being dealt to the people of the country.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Basics
I am still thinking of all of the different attributes that a government should possess, but I will post some of the major ones that have occurred to me since my last post, and I will summarize everything that I have written so far.
First, to summarize my words as they currently stand:
1.) Every single person on this planet is a human, and therefore has the same basic rights as a human. Anything beyond that can be dictated by each individual country, such as the right to free massages every Tuesday and Thursday, or the right to free repairs for your cars every other Saturday. (Those are not rights, but are services. Hence them not being a basic right. I know that I could have worded it better, so I'll edit this one at a later date).
2.) A government should be in the business of being more like a business, and should focus on existing for its people in every possible way, rather than in name and never in actions. A government should be FOR the people, BY the people. The founding fathers of the United States of America had it right, but today, their idea of our country has been warped beyond belief.
3.) The government should be small, because it has no right to infringe on the right of its people, or to meddle in every aspect of their lives. Now, it will have power within reason, but no more than what it needs to effectively and efficiently perform its duties to the people.
4.) The government should be practically structured in different parts of the peoples lives, but only sparingly, for who is the government to decide that people can't figure out how to do things for themselves? People are better at doing this than government is, and ever will be.
5.)(New idea, but it has been implied for the most part) Government should focus on being more efficient as well, since if it is to be like a business, it would normally need to be in order to survive, so government should also focus on efficiency in regards to serving the people.
6.) (This one is new too, and struck me while I was working out myself) The reason that I advocate smaller government in all aspects, is because, would it not be more beneficial to be thinner and very athletic so that you would be able to live longer and do more with your body, as opposed to being unhealthy and ponderous? Just like with people, the size of a person or entity can depend on how it/they interacts with the world, especially if they are not fit for their size. Obviously, a person who is six feet tall will have a different healthy body composition that they would need to reach as opposed to someone who is only five feet and five inches. The same can be said of government in that it needs to be fit and healthy for its size, and since it should be small, for the most part, the government should be lean and fast, able to run to the aid of its people in any manner or form.
7.) (This new as well) Continuing with my train of thought that governments should exist for their people and to help them, well, so too should the leaders of said government. They are supposed to be elected by the people, and should remember that they are no more special than any other person, and that they are only human. They are no different than any of us, aside from the fact that all of our hopes and dreams rest with them. They should always remember that, and not use us to further their own personal causes, since the office of ruling a government for the people should NEVER be a selfish office. It should ALWAYS be, and remain, a SELFLESS office! You should never want that job unless you are sure that you want to help the people of your country, otherwise, if you don't agree with such a needed selfish desire for your country, then don't attempt to sit in a seat that is supposed to exist for everyone, even you, but only for everyone as equal human beings.
8.) (Another new idea) The people of a country are supposed to be the power brokers of their country. There should be no disconnect from them and the people who run their country, for they are all human. Right now, as it stands, politicians for the most part are for themselves rather than the people, and feel that they should only need them when they want to be elected. Once they are, they leave our ranks and then they go to that magical place in the capital where we only really hear of them and pray that they don't screw us over TOO bad, or that every few pieces of legislation that they write MAY actually benefit us. That is a HUGE disconnect that needs to end. The people should have the power that they deserve to help their country and fellow man. (I am not saying that ALL politician's are bad or selfish, but for the most part, they are. Also, I am not saying that we should be communist or socialist, or totalitarian, or anything else like that: we should be a republic. A TRUE republic is what I think every government should be, since the theme of the day is to serve the people...makes sense, no? The government should not be some abstract and mysterious thing to the people of its country, much like how Heaven and Hell is for Christians.)
9.) (Another new one!) Governmental transparency. As I stated in number 8, the government should not be something that is a mysterious entity to the people of the country, since it SHOULD be run BY the people, and FOR the people, like a republic. Like I said above...the government should not be mysterious, much as Heaven and Hell is for Christians. This is a problem and is one of the MANY reasons that there exists so much corruption today.
10.) (I'm on a roll!) The leader that the people SHOULD know that he is to abandon all of his own selfish desires, and that he will be expected to uphold the desires of the people. Obviously, he is to serve as their CEO, and maximize their fortune.
This is it for now, but rest assured, I WILL be adding more to this blog.
First, to summarize my words as they currently stand:
1.) Every single person on this planet is a human, and therefore has the same basic rights as a human. Anything beyond that can be dictated by each individual country, such as the right to free massages every Tuesday and Thursday, or the right to free repairs for your cars every other Saturday. (Those are not rights, but are services. Hence them not being a basic right. I know that I could have worded it better, so I'll edit this one at a later date).
2.) A government should be in the business of being more like a business, and should focus on existing for its people in every possible way, rather than in name and never in actions. A government should be FOR the people, BY the people. The founding fathers of the United States of America had it right, but today, their idea of our country has been warped beyond belief.
3.) The government should be small, because it has no right to infringe on the right of its people, or to meddle in every aspect of their lives. Now, it will have power within reason, but no more than what it needs to effectively and efficiently perform its duties to the people.
4.) The government should be practically structured in different parts of the peoples lives, but only sparingly, for who is the government to decide that people can't figure out how to do things for themselves? People are better at doing this than government is, and ever will be.
5.)(New idea, but it has been implied for the most part) Government should focus on being more efficient as well, since if it is to be like a business, it would normally need to be in order to survive, so government should also focus on efficiency in regards to serving the people.
6.) (This one is new too, and struck me while I was working out myself) The reason that I advocate smaller government in all aspects, is because, would it not be more beneficial to be thinner and very athletic so that you would be able to live longer and do more with your body, as opposed to being unhealthy and ponderous? Just like with people, the size of a person or entity can depend on how it/they interacts with the world, especially if they are not fit for their size. Obviously, a person who is six feet tall will have a different healthy body composition that they would need to reach as opposed to someone who is only five feet and five inches. The same can be said of government in that it needs to be fit and healthy for its size, and since it should be small, for the most part, the government should be lean and fast, able to run to the aid of its people in any manner or form.
7.) (This new as well) Continuing with my train of thought that governments should exist for their people and to help them, well, so too should the leaders of said government. They are supposed to be elected by the people, and should remember that they are no more special than any other person, and that they are only human. They are no different than any of us, aside from the fact that all of our hopes and dreams rest with them. They should always remember that, and not use us to further their own personal causes, since the office of ruling a government for the people should NEVER be a selfish office. It should ALWAYS be, and remain, a SELFLESS office! You should never want that job unless you are sure that you want to help the people of your country, otherwise, if you don't agree with such a needed selfish desire for your country, then don't attempt to sit in a seat that is supposed to exist for everyone, even you, but only for everyone as equal human beings.
8.) (Another new idea) The people of a country are supposed to be the power brokers of their country. There should be no disconnect from them and the people who run their country, for they are all human. Right now, as it stands, politicians for the most part are for themselves rather than the people, and feel that they should only need them when they want to be elected. Once they are, they leave our ranks and then they go to that magical place in the capital where we only really hear of them and pray that they don't screw us over TOO bad, or that every few pieces of legislation that they write MAY actually benefit us. That is a HUGE disconnect that needs to end. The people should have the power that they deserve to help their country and fellow man. (I am not saying that ALL politician's are bad or selfish, but for the most part, they are. Also, I am not saying that we should be communist or socialist, or totalitarian, or anything else like that: we should be a republic. A TRUE republic is what I think every government should be, since the theme of the day is to serve the people...makes sense, no? The government should not be some abstract and mysterious thing to the people of its country, much like how Heaven and Hell is for Christians.)
9.) (Another new one!) Governmental transparency. As I stated in number 8, the government should not be something that is a mysterious entity to the people of the country, since it SHOULD be run BY the people, and FOR the people, like a republic. Like I said above...the government should not be mysterious, much as Heaven and Hell is for Christians. This is a problem and is one of the MANY reasons that there exists so much corruption today.
10.) (I'm on a roll!) The leader that the people SHOULD know that he is to abandon all of his own selfish desires, and that he will be expected to uphold the desires of the people. Obviously, he is to serve as their CEO, and maximize their fortune.
This is it for now, but rest assured, I WILL be adding more to this blog.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
A Government Mission Statement
Before I clarify what I meant about governments going into the business of being more like a businesses, I would like to say this first:
One of the things that a government should ALWAYS remember is that it exists FOR the people that it is governing, and NOT the other way around. People do not exist for government to control. The powers that they are given by the people should be done willingly, and in good faith. This good faith is usually given with the understanding that those who they choose and support to lead them will do so with their best interests at heart.
Notice that I am not advocating the creation of a single global government, or a utopia. The only reason why I am not advocating those is because I know that they would never work. I will admit that the idea of those styles of living are nice to think about, since we would all be provided for, and would not have to worry about anything, no matter our intelligence, location, parents, etc. And while the idea of such a society is nice, it is also as impractical as it is alluring. While you might have a majority of people who are willing to trade their freedom for security, and are fine with not being able to better themselves in any way, there will inevitably be those who will not agree with such a way of life.
Let me make a list of several factors that I feel would forever prevent a utopia/global government from being created:
Yep, that's my list.
Essentially, the one thing holding us all back from getting along fine as a whole, is the little trait I like to call humanity. We are all human and possess it in large quantities.
Take the world and just look at all of the different ways that our differences affect us. I mean, yes, those would actually be the easiest traits to get rid of: prejudices, beliefs, hatred, distrust, etc. if you were able to get the next generation of the entire world and keep them somewhere where they were not exposed to their cultures, and were taught that being of one group that makes up the whole world is the best thing that they can be a part of. That could actually work if it was ever able to be done, I have to admit. I mean, it actually makes sense if you think about it, so I'll give that one to the idea of a world government/utopia. But then, you have to take into consideration that there will always be someone, somewhere, who will think to themselves, "Even though I have the necessities of life, it would be nice if I could do better for myself, or have more freedom with how I could live my life..." and this is where I think that such a society could ever exist, because in order to keep everyone supplied for, they would only be able to give them just enough to live from day to day, or maybe a bit more since they would have to be subsidizing so many people.
Another point about this I would like to make would be that, in order to do this, everyone would have to be willing to share EVERYTHING with EVERYONE, and I sincerely doubt that this would go over well with a large majority of people in the world.
Also, trying to force this existence on people might work at first, but would eventually collapse in on itself as more and more people would be discontent with having been treated as slaves in the eyes of their government.
I can think of just one way to make such a large and single entity to become a reality, and that would be through brainwashing, or making people believe that their individual identities should be associated with that of their government, as opposed to themselves, for otherwise, I would not be able to see so many people giving up so much to take care of the rest of the world.
One of the things that a government should ALWAYS remember is that it exists FOR the people that it is governing, and NOT the other way around. People do not exist for government to control. The powers that they are given by the people should be done willingly, and in good faith. This good faith is usually given with the understanding that those who they choose and support to lead them will do so with their best interests at heart.
Notice that I am not advocating the creation of a single global government, or a utopia. The only reason why I am not advocating those is because I know that they would never work. I will admit that the idea of those styles of living are nice to think about, since we would all be provided for, and would not have to worry about anything, no matter our intelligence, location, parents, etc. And while the idea of such a society is nice, it is also as impractical as it is alluring. While you might have a majority of people who are willing to trade their freedom for security, and are fine with not being able to better themselves in any way, there will inevitably be those who will not agree with such a way of life.
Let me make a list of several factors that I feel would forever prevent a utopia/global government from being created:
Yep, that's my list.
Essentially, the one thing holding us all back from getting along fine as a whole, is the little trait I like to call humanity. We are all human and possess it in large quantities.
Take the world and just look at all of the different ways that our differences affect us. I mean, yes, those would actually be the easiest traits to get rid of: prejudices, beliefs, hatred, distrust, etc. if you were able to get the next generation of the entire world and keep them somewhere where they were not exposed to their cultures, and were taught that being of one group that makes up the whole world is the best thing that they can be a part of. That could actually work if it was ever able to be done, I have to admit. I mean, it actually makes sense if you think about it, so I'll give that one to the idea of a world government/utopia. But then, you have to take into consideration that there will always be someone, somewhere, who will think to themselves, "Even though I have the necessities of life, it would be nice if I could do better for myself, or have more freedom with how I could live my life..." and this is where I think that such a society could ever exist, because in order to keep everyone supplied for, they would only be able to give them just enough to live from day to day, or maybe a bit more since they would have to be subsidizing so many people.
Another point about this I would like to make would be that, in order to do this, everyone would have to be willing to share EVERYTHING with EVERYONE, and I sincerely doubt that this would go over well with a large majority of people in the world.
Also, trying to force this existence on people might work at first, but would eventually collapse in on itself as more and more people would be discontent with having been treated as slaves in the eyes of their government.
I can think of just one way to make such a large and single entity to become a reality, and that would be through brainwashing, or making people believe that their individual identities should be associated with that of their government, as opposed to themselves, for otherwise, I would not be able to see so many people giving up so much to take care of the rest of the world.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Beginnings Of An Idea
I was distracted. That's all that I can say about the seminar that I was sitting in when this idea struck me. The seminar was interesting, as was the speaker, but my mind was elsewhere while the man was speaking of the different ways that people/corporations should handed crisis's. The idea surfaced in my mind again, as it had before, that government was fast becoming something in this world that was not what it was supposed to be actually. This can be seen in Europe and America, not to mention in other countries such as in China and North Korea. I will admit that while I am not aware of the many going-on's that occur in a large number of countries these days, I also know that I don't have to be for what it is that I have begun to think of is a wonderful idea.
I am not singing the praises of ignorance, for I feel that ignorance is not something to, well, be ignorant of, and should be eradicated in many ways and the in different fields of human life.
Anyways, this idea that I have mentioned before stems from a prior group of thoughts that have been hibernating in my mind for a while, and most of them can be tied to small government. You see, I can see nothing wrong with having a small government. Based on my many reasons which I will (If I remember to in later posts) go into depth about- barring my forgetfulness -I hit upon the idea that a government should be in the business of being more like a business.
I only say this because businesses have mission statements that they stick to and do business by. A government has more or less an implied business statement, but for the most part, no one knows why they are TRULY there.
I speak in generalities for the moment because I believe that all humans are equal and the same in regards to rights and opportunities, and therefore, I believe that since we are all human and share the same rights and traits, that all governments would have to therefore stand to serve the people of their countries.
Just to recap all that I have said about my idea for governments:
1.) I believe that they should be more like a business
2.) They should have a mission statement and goals
3.) Because of the inevitable fact that we are all humans, it stands to reason that all governments would basically operate on the same, if not similar, principles unlike those of today.
4.) They should be more focused on pleasing and helping the people that they serve. YES, governments are supposed to serve the people that allow them to have a modicum of power over them. (North America is a good example of how they were meant to be a republic, but how they have shifted to a democracy/socialistic country now).
5.) People need to be free in every which way, to a practical degree. This is why I say that we need SMALL government as opposed to large government.
Allow me to state several things that I am NOT saying that I want:
1.) Because I say that we are all human, and by default, we all possess the same basic traits. Because we possess similar basic traits, it would stand to reason that if a government were to actually exist for the true betterment of its people, then if they all shared the same views, they would all be very similar I would think.
2.) I still do not mean that there should just be one global government. That would be too much power for anyone to handle I believe, and would never work. (I already think that we have an idea of a single world government today, as it would exist in the future, since so many of the different countries in this world must work together to do this or that. And look at that...we don't all get along, which will always be the case.)
3.) A utopia for society. The only reason that I say this is NOT because I am against everyone having a good life, but because I have realized that no matter how hard we try, we would never be able to create a society like that. Even if we did through extreme means, it would never last.
(This is all that I can think of right now. I will add more later on in other posts).
I am not singing the praises of ignorance, for I feel that ignorance is not something to, well, be ignorant of, and should be eradicated in many ways and the in different fields of human life.
Anyways, this idea that I have mentioned before stems from a prior group of thoughts that have been hibernating in my mind for a while, and most of them can be tied to small government. You see, I can see nothing wrong with having a small government. Based on my many reasons which I will (If I remember to in later posts) go into depth about- barring my forgetfulness -I hit upon the idea that a government should be in the business of being more like a business.
I only say this because businesses have mission statements that they stick to and do business by. A government has more or less an implied business statement, but for the most part, no one knows why they are TRULY there.
I speak in generalities for the moment because I believe that all humans are equal and the same in regards to rights and opportunities, and therefore, I believe that since we are all human and share the same rights and traits, that all governments would have to therefore stand to serve the people of their countries.
Just to recap all that I have said about my idea for governments:
1.) I believe that they should be more like a business
2.) They should have a mission statement and goals
3.) Because of the inevitable fact that we are all humans, it stands to reason that all governments would basically operate on the same, if not similar, principles unlike those of today.
4.) They should be more focused on pleasing and helping the people that they serve. YES, governments are supposed to serve the people that allow them to have a modicum of power over them. (North America is a good example of how they were meant to be a republic, but how they have shifted to a democracy/socialistic country now).
5.) People need to be free in every which way, to a practical degree. This is why I say that we need SMALL government as opposed to large government.
Allow me to state several things that I am NOT saying that I want:
1.) Because I say that we are all human, and by default, we all possess the same basic traits. Because we possess similar basic traits, it would stand to reason that if a government were to actually exist for the true betterment of its people, then if they all shared the same views, they would all be very similar I would think.
2.) I still do not mean that there should just be one global government. That would be too much power for anyone to handle I believe, and would never work. (I already think that we have an idea of a single world government today, as it would exist in the future, since so many of the different countries in this world must work together to do this or that. And look at that...we don't all get along, which will always be the case.)
3.) A utopia for society. The only reason that I say this is NOT because I am against everyone having a good life, but because I have realized that no matter how hard we try, we would never be able to create a society like that. Even if we did through extreme means, it would never last.
(This is all that I can think of right now. I will add more later on in other posts).
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