I am still thinking of all of the different attributes that a government should possess, but I will post some of the major ones that have occurred to me since my last post, and I will summarize everything that I have written so far.
First, to summarize my words as they currently stand:
1.) Every single person on this planet is a human, and therefore has the same basic rights as a human. Anything beyond that can be dictated by each individual country, such as the right to free massages every Tuesday and Thursday, or the right to free repairs for your cars every other Saturday. (Those are not rights, but are services. Hence them not being a basic right. I know that I could have worded it better, so I'll edit this one at a later date).
2.) A government should be in the business of being more like a business, and should focus on existing for its people in every possible way, rather than in name and never in actions. A government should be FOR the people, BY the people. The founding fathers of the United States of America had it right, but today, their idea of our country has been warped beyond belief.
3.) The government should be small, because it has no right to infringe on the right of its people, or to meddle in every aspect of their lives. Now, it will have power within reason, but no more than what it needs to effectively and efficiently perform its duties to the people.
4.) The government should be practically structured in different parts of the peoples lives, but only sparingly, for who is the government to decide that people can't figure out how to do things for themselves? People are better at doing this than government is, and ever will be.
5.)(New idea, but it has been implied for the most part) Government should focus on being more efficient as well, since if it is to be like a business, it would normally need to be in order to survive, so government should also focus on efficiency in regards to serving the people.
6.) (This one is new too, and struck me while I was working out myself) The reason that I advocate smaller government in all aspects, is because, would it not be more beneficial to be thinner and very athletic so that you would be able to live longer and do more with your body, as opposed to being unhealthy and ponderous? Just like with people, the size of a person or entity can depend on how it/they interacts with the world, especially if they are not fit for their size. Obviously, a person who is six feet tall will have a different healthy body composition that they would need to reach as opposed to someone who is only five feet and five inches. The same can be said of government in that it needs to be fit and healthy for its size, and since it should be small, for the most part, the government should be lean and fast, able to run to the aid of its people in any manner or form.
7.) (This new as well) Continuing with my train of thought that governments should exist for their people and to help them, well, so too should the leaders of said government. They are supposed to be elected by the people, and should remember that they are no more special than any other person, and that they are only human. They are no different than any of us, aside from the fact that all of our hopes and dreams rest with them. They should always remember that, and not use us to further their own personal causes, since the office of ruling a government for the people should NEVER be a selfish office. It should ALWAYS be, and remain, a SELFLESS office! You should never want that job unless you are sure that you want to help the people of your country, otherwise, if you don't agree with such a needed selfish desire for your country, then don't attempt to sit in a seat that is supposed to exist for everyone, even you, but only for everyone as equal human beings.
8.) (Another new idea) The people of a country are supposed to be the power brokers of their country. There should be no disconnect from them and the people who run their country, for they are all human. Right now, as it stands, politicians for the most part are for themselves rather than the people, and feel that they should only need them when they want to be elected. Once they are, they leave our ranks and then they go to that magical place in the capital where we only really hear of them and pray that they don't screw us over TOO bad, or that every few pieces of legislation that they write MAY actually benefit us. That is a HUGE disconnect that needs to end. The people should have the power that they deserve to help their country and fellow man. (I am not saying that ALL politician's are bad or selfish, but for the most part, they are. Also, I am not saying that we should be communist or socialist, or totalitarian, or anything else like that: we should be a republic. A TRUE republic is what I think every government should be, since the theme of the day is to serve the people...makes sense, no? The government should not be some abstract and mysterious thing to the people of its country, much like how Heaven and Hell is for Christians.)
9.) (Another new one!) Governmental transparency. As I stated in number 8, the government should not be something that is a mysterious entity to the people of the country, since it SHOULD be run BY the people, and FOR the people, like a republic. Like I said above...the government should not be mysterious, much as Heaven and Hell is for Christians. This is a problem and is one of the MANY reasons that there exists so much corruption today.
10.) (I'm on a roll!) The leader that the people SHOULD know that he is to abandon all of his own selfish desires, and that he will be expected to uphold the desires of the people. Obviously, he is to serve as their CEO, and maximize their fortune.
This is it for now, but rest assured, I WILL be adding more to this blog.
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